
Art Dealer Street (before: The NY Art News)

The Egg that begun an artist’s life

“In Sweden we always put a line between two names as that would be one; So, my name is Anna- Maria.”

“An egg or a seed is the beginning of all life. - A new life is the greatest love you can give the world.”

Click on the picture to get to the article

Bättre Konst

”Krisen som bortblåst” – Anna-Maria Johansson har tagit sig

igenom många prövningar med hjälp av Vedic Art och bibelblad.


"The crisis has blown away" - Anna-Maria Johansson has

through many trials using Vedic Art and Bible leaf.


Click on the picture  to get to the article


By: David Lublin; Bättre Konst


Utgiven av Svenska Konstnärsförbundet. Nr 2, 2020. Årgång 44

The visual artist
Published by the Swedish Artists' Association. No. 2, 2020. Volume 44